This past week I taught my last workshop of the year. I had 3 students in my home studio and we had a great time. Today I had nice chat with my friend, Lori, who I met at a workshop about 20 years ago. Workshops are an amazing way to learn a new technique or brush up on some basic skills but what you may not realize is how much more we all get from taking workshops. My students always learn from each other as well as from me. They make new friends and they always have great stories to share. Laughter rings through the studio. It warms my heart to see my students support each other in their creative pursuits. They share ideas and compliments and resources and sometimes even recipes and vacation ideas. Often it’s like a cocktail party with tools.
I want to thank all of the students who have taken a class with me. You have enriched my life in so many ways. Whether you are a beginner or have some experience you should consider a workshop. Do it for the experience of it. It’s more than just technical information. You might make a lifelong friend like I have, and that is priceless.
Happy students at my First workshop in my studio, a good time was had by all